Do you know why preforms are so popular?

Preforms are reprocessed by blow molding to form plastic bottles, including bottles used in cosmetics, medicine, health care, beverages, mineral water, reagents, etc. Blow molding is a method of forming plastic bottles.
Many people may not know what the preform is. It is an intermediate of processed products. So what are the uses and functional characteristics of this intermediate? Let me tell you about this issue.

1. Purpose
1. It can be displayed to customers as a very good exhibit, because the characteristic of the preform is that it cannot be broken and can stand on the table well, so naturally it has a lot of convenience, so it is used for reference and for customer approval. must be very good;
2. It is easy to carry. If it is a finished product, it is naturally more worried about damage, but if it is a preform, there is no need to worry about this problem. It is very convenient to carry and can save us a lot of trouble. It is convenient to show it to users when they are on business trips;
3. The material of this product is generally relatively simple to process, so the purpose of sending it to us is to save operating costs, of course, it can also reduce the amount of work. After the model is satisfied, it can naturally be better invested in the production of the inspection, and it can save Some mistakes, so as to better protect the benefits of our seat.
Although preforms are not common to us, they bring us quite a lot of benefits and simplicity. The plastic bottles we usually see next to our daily life and this product are closely related. It can be said that there is no such product. , Many of the devices we use today cannot be used normally, so what are the functional characteristics of this product?
2. Functional characteristics
1. The material is tough, the durability is relatively good, the production process is simpler, and it can be shaped better, and the customer's demand for styles can also be well met;
2. The surface is smooth and clean, it looks extraordinarily beautiful, and it is an environmentally friendly product, and it will not release some toxic gases;
3. The material is relatively soft, and the performance of high temperature resistance is relatively good, so the requirements for processing are not very high, so it is much simpler for the processing factory, and thus the cost is also reduced. And the advantages of the natural value of the products sent to us are also considerable.